

Recent paper: a TerrAdapt framework applied to the Mexican Spotted Owl

Andrew Shirk, TerrAdapt's Executive Director, recently published a paper in the journal Landscape Ecology introducing a framework to automatically monitor and assess species habitats over a range of spatial and temporal scales. This framework is applied to the Mexican spotted owl habitat across Arizona and New Mexico and is based upon his novel TerrAdapt dynamic species modelling work in the Pacific Northwest.

TerrAdapt partners with the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute

TerrAdapt and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute have begun a new partnership supporting transboundary conservation with new dynamic models of focal species habitat and connectivity across the western US and southwest Canada.

New TerrAdapt organization

We are pleased to announce that on Earth Day, 2022 TerrAdapt officially became a non-profit organization. Although the TerrAdapt project has been running since 2017, the addition of a formal structure around our operations will enhance our ability to partner with you on conservation management actions that maintain biodiversity.